The RP Fear Wiki

--I suppose there is no longer use of hiding my origin--

--You see in the beginning there was Chaos--

--The infinite void of nothingness and darkness before the universe came to be--

--I was born from Chaos itself--

--Along with twelve others who are my siblings--

--We are known as the Primordials--

--The first beings that come into existence--

--Each of us represent or is a manifestation an element or one of the four fundemental forces of the universe itself--

--I am the element of Darkness--

--When the universe due to an event known by many as the "Big Bang"--

--My siblings and I began to travel across an endless ocean of stars and planets--

--As time was born...and as it sped began to emerge--

--Soon my brothers and sisters began to form a Council--

--Intent on retaining balance in the universe--

--Good and Evil...Order and Chaos...Yin and Yang...they must be in equal weight--

--As I traveled across the vast regions of space whilst discovering and learning many things no mortal would ever comprehend nor witness--

--I came across a strange and yet, for reasons I cannot fathom why, and interesting strange back water planet--

--This planet was known as Earth--

--Although it was still in its early stages--

--I decided to visit and learn of it and the consequences were both amazing...and severe--

--As I remained on the planet life began to form on it--

--Humans and civilizations formed...traditions, laws, and many others--

--And it was that time my presence was known--

--Humans both feared and worshiped me after learning of my presence--

--I was seen by them as either a Deity, Spirit, Demon, and Angel--

--I began to grow facinated of the humans...of their discoveries and their creation--

--But...this had al changed as time went by--

--Centuries passed and I slowly began to loathe humans after seeing the countless horrors and atrocities they commit--

--And so...I began to slaughter them like cattle--

--Without showing the slightest hint of regret or remorse--

--Striking without a moment's hesitation--

--On that day...I became more widely known--

--A title was given to that installs great fear into the hearts of the bravest men--

--One that causes humans to sing terrifying praise of my feats--

--The Slender Man--

--I have witnessed and committed many acts that would cause mortals to fall upon on their knees--

--And plead for mercy--

--But that has all personality--

--All changed because of one girl--

--An amazing...astounding...and truly beautiful girl--

--I would have never turned back from ways without her--

--She has aided me...and I aid her in return--

--I love her...far more then any being can ever possibly imagine--

--I am deeply, unquestioningly, impeccably, and madly in love with her--

--She completes me physically, mentally, and spiritually--

--She has seen the Primordial and she accepts it--

--She has seen the monster and she does not run from him--

--I claimed her as my mate...I shall love, honor, cherish and protect only her--

--And if so I shall readily forsake all others...and take her by my side, as lover, wife, mate, companion and friend--

--I shall share only with her...I shall bear children only with her--

--And I know...she has already accepted me--

--And I am well aware...that we are meant to be eternal soul mates--
